How do I mount a USB drive in Linux?

Having trouble mounting a USB drive in Linux. Plugged it in, but it doesn’t show up. Need step-by-step guidance on how to properly mount it. Any tips are appreciated.

Why even bother with Linux if it can’t handle something as simple as mounting a USB drive? It’s 2023, get with the program. Anyway, here’s the convoluted process you’ll need to follow:

  1. First, open your terminal. Yeah, get ready to type a lot.
  2. Check if your system recognizes the USB drive by typing lsblk. It should list the block devices along with your USB drive. Look for something like /dev/sdx.
  3. If you don’t see it, try dmesg | grep -i usb. Scroll through the mile-long output to confirm that the USB drive is being detected at all.
  4. Create a directory where you want to mount the USB, using sudo mkdir /media/usb.

Assuming your USB is probably /dev/sdb1 (it varies, could be different):
5. Mount it using sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb.

If it fails, you might have to specify the filesystem type. For an ext4 formatted drive, use:

sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/usb

This is a pain, and there are always permissions issues, errors, etc. Heaven forbid you missed updating your system kernel.

Don’t get me started on other options like Windows or MacOS, where you just plug it in and it WORKS. Linux is powerful, sure, but something as basic as mounting a USB should be straightforward. Mounting issues like this just make it inaccessible for regular users.

Open the terminal. Check if the machine sees your USB drive by running:


Look for something like /dev/sdx (replace x with the appropriate letter). If your USB drive isn’t listed, use:

dmesg | grep -i usb

If the USB is detected, you can see what filesystem it’s using with:

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx

Assuming it’s /dev/sdb1, create a directory to mount the drive:

sudo mkdir /mnt/usb

Then mount it:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

If you encounter an error about unsupported filesystem, explicitly specify the filesystem type:

sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

If it uses ext4, replace vfat with ext4.

A lot of people get tripped up due to not using the right filesystem type. They try mounting without specifying, and when it fails, they think something’s broken. Also, sometimes USB drives default to NTFS if you used them on Windows. If that’s the case, use:

sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

In case you’re running into permission troubles, before mounting, change the ownership of the directory like so:

sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /mnt/usb

Replace yourusername with your actual username. This can help when you can mount but lack the permissions to access files on it.

From a DIY perspective, some additional troubleshooting ideas:

  1. Auto-Mounting Tools: There are tools like udiskie which automates mounting tasks especially in desktop environments. Just install it via:

    sudo apt-get install udiskie

    Then run it:

    udiskie &

    This will handle most of your USB automount issues without having to dig deeper into the terminal every time.

  2. Alternative GUI Tools: Tools like GParted can be very user-friendly. They let you see a visual overview of your drives and partitions making it easier to spot and mount USB drives. Install it using:

    sudo apt-get install gparted

    Then run gparted, it provides a familiar point-and-click interface.

  3. Remember Unmounting: To safely remove your USB, make sure to unmount it:

    sudo umount /mnt/usb

    Failing to unmount properly can result in data corruption.

  4. Automating Mount: If you plug the USB often, automate mount using fstab for convenience. Add this line to /etc/fstab:

    /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb auto defaults 0 0

    That’s assuming /dev/sdb1 and /mnt/usb remain consistent; they can change if you have other drives. Use UUID for consistency, find it with:

    sudo blkid /dev/sdb1

    Then use UUID in fstab:

    UUID=your-uuid /mnt/usb auto defaults 0 0

Important Note: Always remember to replace /mnt/usb, /dev/sdb1, and similar placeholders with your actual paths and device names.

While I get where @techchizkid is coming from—the process can be unnecessarily convoluted if you’re coming from a GUI-heavy OS like Windows or MacOS—there are solid reasons why Linux handles hardware differently. Actually, this kind of control and transparency (while seemingly cumbersome) gives power users and enthusiasts fine-grained control over their hardware and filesystem behavior, which can be extremely useful in professional and tech-heavy environments.

Still, hoping to see better and more intuitive auto-mounting solutions in future Linux releases. Something that grants the same balance of power and ease of use without diving deep into terminal commands. So both worlds could get the benefits.

I get that @byteguru and @techchizkid have covered the terminal steps pretty well, but for some people, all the command-line talk might still be overwhelming. If you prefer something more user-friendly, consider using a GUI tool like Disks which comes pre-installed in many Linux distros like Ubuntu.

  1. Open Disks: Search for “Disks” from your application menu.
  2. Select the USB drive: On the left panel, click on your USB drive.
  3. You should see your USB details. If it’s not mounted, you usually get an option to mount it directly from here by clicking the “play” button.

Alternatively, there’s Gnome Disks utility:

  1. Again, launch Gnome Disks (should also be in applications menu).
  2. Select your USB drive from the list.
  3. Click on the partitions and you’ll see a mount option. It handles most of the work for you, no need to type commands unless you hit a problem.

For Terminal-Phobes

If you’re really adverse to using the terminal, tools like GParted or KDE Partition Manager offer a graphical interface to do similar tasks. They allow you to manage partitions, view the disk info and mount/unmount with ease.

Automount with Tricks

And if you’re going to be using the USB frequently, it’s worth setting it up to mount automatically:

  1. Install udiskie (sudo apt-get install udiskie)
  2. Run it by typing udiskie & in your terminal, which will make the automounting persistent during your session.

I also disagree slightly with @techchizkid’s doom and gloom prognosis about permissions and filesystem errors. In most modern distros, these are edge cases. You’d hit these issues less often than you’d imagine.


Polkit: Modern DEs like Gnome and KDE handle mounting via polkit, making it almost seamless. For example:

  • On Gnome: Automatic notifications make it a breeze.
  • On KDE: Kde ejector handles it from the tray.


Ultimately, diving into terminal or GUI comes down to user preference and comfort. For beginners or those coming from other OSs, GUI tools mentioned above serve as a much simpler approach.

Not that using terminal is always super cumbersome, it’s just that Linux empowers you both ways - complete freedom to choose (which is a double-edged sword sometimes).