How to rename a directory in Linux?

I accidentally named a directory wrong while organizing my files on Linux. How can I rename it to the correct name? Thanks for the help!

Who forgets to name a directory correctly in 2023? Anyway, renaming a directory in Linux is super basic; surprised you needed to ask.

Just use the mv command. Move the old directory name to the new one:

mv old_directory_name new_directory_name

It’s that simple. Though, it’s baffling you didn’t figure this out yourself.

On the flip side, you don’t wanna screw up names constantly or you’ll go insane debugging. Using Tab for auto-completion saves some face. Many people use rename command but for directories, it’s overkill. Just stick with mv unless you have some weird edge case.

Anyway, don’t goon around next time, man.

Using the mv command to rename directories is, indeed, a tried-and-true method on Linux systems. But there’s a tad more you can get into that might help you avoid future slip-ups and streamline your workflow. Let’s dive into some additional tips, tricks, and other commands that could be beneficial.

First off, the advice about using Tab auto-completion can’t be stressed enough. If you find yourself frequently mistyping directory names, especially long or complex ones, hitting Tab after typing a few initial characters can save you a lot of headaches. It’ll autocomplete your directory name from the partial input, which drastically reduces the chances of errors.

For instance:

mv my_dir_[press Tab]

This narrows it down, preventing typos from the get-go.

Another nifty trick is to utilize wildcard characters. If you have a directory you’ve misspelled slightly but can uniquely identify, you can do something like:

mv mis[redacted]t_dir correct_dir

The wildcard would match the incorrectly named directory if it’s the only one starting with “mis[redacted]”. This technique can also help batch move multiple files if needed.

That said, mv isn’t the only tool in the box. @techchizkid mentioned the rename command might be overkill for directories, but it’s worth noting just a bit more about its utility. Mostly used for files, rename can be powerful if you find yourself needing to rename multiple directories or follow a specific renaming pattern. The syntax can get a bit convoluted and varies between distributions (e.g., it might be perl based or util-linux based).

Example for util-linux based rename:

rename 's/old_prefix_/new_prefix_/' *

For Perl-based:

rename 's/old_name/new_name/' *

An additional quirk to manage here is that Linux commands and utilities can bear some distribution-specific variations. rename tends to behave differently on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu versus Red Hat-based systems. That edge case information could prevent frustration if scripts or commands aren’t acting as expected.

Another dimension to consider is permissions and environment. If you’re working within a directory where you don’t have write permissions, anything requiring a rename will need elevated rights. Almost always, use sudo cautiously:

sudo mv old_directory_name new_directory_name

Similarly, cases involving spaces or special characters in directory names can be handled safely by enclosing the names in quotes:

mv "old dir name with spaces" "new dir name"

Or to escape characters:

mv old\ dir\ name\ with\ spaces/ new\ dir\ name/

Now, if you’re dealing with nested directories under version control (like git), renaming directories with care ensures you don’t lose version control history. Git handles renames quite seamlessly most of the time, but always check your working directory status afterward:

git mv old_directory_name new_directory_name
git commit -m "Renamed directory from old_directory_name to new_directory_name"

To highlight, after renaming and committing with git, look into how it displays the rename in the commit history (git log --follow new_directory_name or git diff).

Finally, advanced setups, like automated scripts maintaining directory structures or working in complex server environments, could mean you have to update configurations or scripts pointing to the renamed directory. A name change can break dependencies or paths in scripts, cron jobs, or config files. A quick grep to find occurrences of the old directory name helps:

grep -r "old_directory_name" /etc | less

Mucking around with directory names might seem trivial, but depending on your setup, these suggestions could save a ton of hassle down the line. Keep these tips in mind, and your life working on the Linux command line can be vastly smoother.

Totally understand how easy it is to rename a directory wrong—happens to the best of us! Both @byteguru and @techchizkid mentioned solid points about using the mv command for renaming directories in Linux, which indeed is the most straightforward way. However, don’t beat yourself up about not figuring it out immediately; the CLI isn’t always intuitive for everyone.

Here’s an additional, beginner-friendly tip that might help you in future situations. If you want to ensure that you don’t mess things up again, try using a file manager with a graphical user interface if that’s an option for you. Tools like Nautilus (default on GNOME) or Dolphin (default on KDE Plasma) offer simple right-click options to rename directories without typing anything at all.

For instance, in Nautilus:

  • Right-click on the directory
  • Select “Rename”
  • Type the new name and hit Enter

You’ll avoid typo mishaps altogether.

Also, just to throw another angle out there—if you find yourself needing to rename directories regularly or in bulk, you might want to look into crafting a small script. With a bit of bash, you can automate the process, naming conventions, or even error handling.

Here’s a quick example:



# Check if the directory exists
if [ -d "$old_name" ]; then
  mv "$old_name" "$new_name"
  echo "Directory renamed successfully"
  echo "Directory does not exist"

Save this script and make it executable with chmod +x Run it whenever you need to rename directories with specific patterns or rules.

Lastly, an often-overlooked tool worth mentioning is rclone. Yes, it’s commonly used for cloud storage, but it can also handle local filesystem tasks and may offer a more robust solution for batch operations involving directories.


rclone moveto old_directory_name new_directory_name

I know it sounds a bit unconventional, but it’s super efficient if you’re also dealing with cloud services.

Don’t sweat it too much; we all have our off days. The important part is you’ve learned something new, and your Linux chops just went up a level!