What's the command to rename a folder in Linux?

I’m trying to organize my directories, and I need to rename one of them. I attempted a few commands, but they didn’t work as expected. Can someone please guide me on the correct command to use for renaming a folder in Linux? Thanks!

Hey, renaming a folder in Linux is pretty straightforward, but it’s understandable if it took a bit of experimenting. The command you’re looking for is mv. This command actually stands for “move,” but you can use it to rename files and directories as well.

Here’s how you can do it:

mv [old_folder_name] [new_folder_name]

For example, if you have a folder named “oldDir” that you want to rename to “newDir,” you’d use:

mv oldDir newDir

Just make sure you’re in the correct directory when you’re running this command, or provide the full path to both the old and the new folder names. Some people find they need to add sudo before the command if they encounter permission issues, though that’s less common for just renaming folders.

sudo mv oldDir newDir

Be cautious when using sudo though – it’s got the power to do some serious system-wide changes.

If you’re organizing directories and want to ensure you’re not messing something up (especially in a shared or critical environment), you can always start by copying the folder first to see it goes through without any hitches before you finally delete the old folder:

cp -r oldDir newDir

Then, once you confirm everything’s A-okay, you can remove the old directory:

rm -r oldDir

Alternatively, if you’re in a GUI environment like Gnome or KDE, you can just right-click the folder and select the “Rename” option from the context menu. Simple and effective if you’re more comfortable with graphical interfaces.

Lastly, some folks prefer using tools like mc or Midnight Commander, especially if they do a lot of file manipulations from the terminal. It’s a bit old school but really handy for visual navigation.

Hopefully, that helps clear up your directory woes. Happy organizing!

Hey there, it looks like codecrafter has covered the basics well, but let me throw in some additional methods and tips for you. There are alternative ways you could be managing the renaming of directories in Linux, especially if you’re looking for more advanced or niche approaches.

First off, while the mv command is typically the go-to solution for renaming, another option is using file managers within a terminal, like ranger or nnn. These tools provide a more intuitive, visual way to interact with your file system.

Using ranger

ranger is a lightweight and powerful file manager. After installing it, you can navigate to the terminal and type ranger to start it. Navigate to the folder you want to rename using arrow keys, then press Shift+R to rename it. It’s just another layer of ease and convenience, especially for those who tend to forget command syntax.

sudo apt-get install ranger

Using nnn

nnn is another nifty file manager for terminal buffs. It’s simple, incredibly fast, and extremely configurable. Once installed, type nnn in your terminal. Navigate to the desired directory. On selecting the directory, press R to rename the folder.

sudo apt-get install nnn

Rename with find and rename

For power users dealing with multiple renames programmatically, the GNU rename command can be extremely handy. It’s part of the util-linux package and has significant flexibility.

sudo apt-get install rename
rename 's/oldName/newName/' oldDir

This is useful for batch renaming if you know regex, but it might be overkill for simple directory renames.

Bash Scripts

If renaming folders programmatically is frequent for you, creating a bash script might be the most reusable and swift approach. Here’s a simple script to demonstrate:

if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: rename_dir oldDir newDir"
    exit 1
mv "$1" "$2"

Save the script as rename_dir.sh, make it executable, then run it as needed:

chmod +x rename_dir.sh
./rename_dir.sh oldDir newDir

Handling Edge Cases

One time, I had multiple nested directories with complex structures and used a script to rename all immediate subdirectories. Here’s an example for demonstration purposes:

for dir in */ ; do
    mv "$dir" "new_prefix_${dir}"

It recursively handles directories, ensuring that no matter how deep your directories go, the renaming process will be smooth.

Using mc (Midnight Commander)

mc or Midnight Commander is also worth a mention if you’re an old-school UNIX geek. It’s a visual file manager that runs in your terminal.

sudo apt-get install mc

Navigate to your directory and use F6 to rename it.

GUI File Managers

For those who prefer GUI-based methods, codecrafter mentioned GNOME or KDE. Other GUI-based file managers such as Nautilus (GNOME Files), Dolphin (KDE), and Thunar (XFCE) are available. Simply right-click and rename. This suggestion should cover pretty much any Linux DE you might be using.


A small heads-up: be cautious if the directory has active mounts or if it contains symbolic links. Renaming the directory might break relative links and references unless they use absolute paths. As a failsafe, a bulk link update can be managed using find and sed.

find . -type l -exec sed -i 's/oldDir/newDir/g' {} +

Final Trick

If you’re nervous about potentially disrupting symbolic links and mounts, just make sure your folders and files are backed up. Here’s a robust method via tar, ensuring your original directory remains intact:

tar czf backup.tar.gz oldDir
mv oldDir newDir

After renaming, validate that everything’s in place, then securely cleanup:

rm -rf oldDir

In conclusion, while mv is straightforward for directory renames, there are varied tools and approaches to fit different levels of user expertise and use cases. Dive into what works best for you and happy directory managing!

Ah, yes, the classic mv command. Everyone praises it like it’s the holy grail for renaming directories, but they forget it’s not foolproof.

Look, if you actually care about maintaining your workflow, you might want to think twice before blindly using mv. First off, it changes file timestamps - a non-issue until it is. That can mess with version control systems or backups relying on timestamps.

And why do people gloss over the shortcomings of using GUI tools for renaming? Sure, right-click and rename is visually easy, but in a critical system, that’s a distraction from actually learning terminal commands that are robust. Want to rely on a GUI? Fine, but expect a productivity hit every time you refuse to get your hands dirty with command lines.

For anyone dealing with bulk renaming, skip these manual methods. The rename command with regex is the unsung hero here.

rename 's/oldName/newName/' oldDir/*

Powerful but ignored because people prefer easier, less effective ways.

And let’s not forget potential pitfalls. Renaming a directory with symbolic links? Congratulations, you broke them all. Even mv with relative paths can ruin them unless you use and update absolute paths.

So yeah, if you want reliability and less hassle for repetitive tasks, invest time in learning the rename command or writing scripts. GUI is for the lazy days, not your serious coding days.